Representative quotations taken from Impact Survey undertaken January 2020
What the chaplains themselves have to say about what they find most enjoyable & rewarding…
“Engaging with individual people, hearing their stories and being free to see where it leads. People often share with you very personal details. The opportunity of being with people.”
“Getting alongside people and listening to them. Breaking down barriers and building friendships.”
“Making connections with people. People’s appreciation and interest in him. Finding out small insights into what makes people tick. Value in sharing people’s joys and sorrows – privilege of that. However, sometimes feels the inadequacies of how to respond”
What the workplaces they visit have to say about how useful they find visits by the workplace chaplain…
“Yes. Extremely. Helps me talk about problems by just listening, and this has helped a lot, letting it all out.”
“I’m not a believer, but the chaplain doesn’t make it about God. She is easy to talk to and very supportive to me during a recent bereavement. Pleased to be asked if I would like to be prayed for. The Christmas mince pies are nice.”
“Yes. The chaplain has a lovely way about her and is someone you feel you can talk to. It is nice and comforting to know that someone is there. It is not intrusive but we know she would listen if we needed to find someone to talk to.”
What the churches have to say about how workplace chaplaincy benefits the church and its members…
“Greater awareness of the world of work. For those in work, a greater awareness that God is with them there and that they are supported in their workplace by the church. It has made people think about the links between faith and work and, in some cases, people have re-engaged with worship as a result. One example of a member of the congregation, after a service, expressing how she had surprised herself in what she had discovered about the connection between her work experience and God – almost exhilarated.”
“The greater links between church and businesses have been made easier by the pioneering work of the chaplain. This is incarnational and relational, and the whole church has been drawn in to this. The links are not just implicit, because we are in the same community, but personal and informed. We are able to put faces to people and know their stories better. This has given people confidence to relate to others and shown the church that being intentionally missional is not too scary.”
“Everyone in the church is very aware of the work on the chaplains. It has broadened their horizons, opened their eyes to the world around them and is seen as taking the church out into the rest of the world.”