Prayer in the Economy In recent days the news has been dominated by three topics: people losing their jobs as lockdown continues; uncertainties about any Brexit deal; and the beginning of vaccination. The latter brings hope, for which we give thanks, but anxiety remains for those whose work is under threat, and the impact of … Continue reading December Prayers
November Prayers
As we enter a time of greater regulation and restriction so we search for ways to express to God our fears and yearnings, and our concerns for those most in need. At such moments we need to return to Christ, who taught his disciples to pray, to guide our prayers to ask for what God dearly wants to give; … Continue reading November Prayers
The economy of separation
When eventually we look back on 2020, ‘Self-isolation’ will undoubtedly be one of the words of the year, along with lockdown, social distancing and many others which have become the language of our present experience. We separate from one another, to safeguard ourselves, the NHS and the most vulnerable. But business, work and the economy … Continue reading The economy of separation
Healing in a fragile world
Current concerns over the COVID-19 virus are bringing great anxiety to many - fear of catching or passing it on, and what that might mean to vulnerable people, but also fear of the normal being disrupted, including work, business and the economy. Despite measures announced in the Budget, uncertainty mounts, and we see how interconnected … Continue reading Healing in a fragile world
Prayer for retail workers at Christmas
We invite to join us in a prayer for retail workers at Christmas Gracious God, as Christmas lights are turned on and shops become busy We/I pray for those working in shops and the hospitality industry at this busiest time of the year.