We have recently held a successful Chaplains’ Training & Conference Morning. Our thanks go to the local businesses which allowed us to visit their premises and to find out a little more about them – Aileen & Duncan from Top Barn Produce, Will from Classic Bike Imports, Tasha from Chris Jones Leisure, Carl working with Simon Patterson Touring Caravan Supplies and to Di & David Harper from Top Barn itself for the use of their facilities.
We gained a better understanding of the pressures, joys, pleasures and strains of running different types of businesses. The passion, pride, hard work and the desire to produce a quality product was abundantly evident, along with positive relationship with those they work alongside. For a few, there had also been great personal expense invested in the business in terms of money, time or less time with family.
During our reflection we gave thanks to God, for these businesses, the people who own them and those employed by them, for their success and for the well-being for all involved.
We received some excellent feedback from the day and useful comments about future events.