Our chaplains work in teams in the locations shown below. We are also hoping to have new teams coming on board as they complete their chaplaincy training.
A small team of chaplains from St Laurence’s Anglican church visit retail outlets and other businesses in the local area. They have been visiting for a number of years and have established good relationships with local businesses.
Pershore Town Centre
The Pershore workplace chaplaincy team started as an initiative of Churches Together in Pershore, a thriving ecumenical partnership between Pershore Baptist Church, Pershore Abbey (Church of England), Pershore Community Church and Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church. The team, drawn from all four churches, visits businesses in the town centre, including the indoor retail market.
There are two areas visited regularly in Redditch. The chaplaincy teams are from various churches including St Stephens, Church of England and Emmanuel Church, URC.
Kingfisher Shopping Centre, Redditch
The management of the Kingfisher Shopping Centre is very welcoming of the chaplaincy teams operating in the centre and providing an important service to the retail units there, many of which are national chains.

Redditch Market
There is a traditional outdoor market where the stall holders are usually self-employed, single trader businesses. The visit of a workplace chaplain to show support here is all the more important.
There are a few very dedicated workplace chaplains operating in Kidderminster and have been visiting for a number of years and are now quite well known to the traders they visit. That aspect of offering continued support is vital in building up a relationship of trust.

Worcester Livestock Market (in partnership with CARL)
McCartneys Livestock Auctioneers run the Worcester livestock market which handles the trade of sheep and cattle. They have welcomed workplace chaplains to visit and chat with farmers and buyers. The chaplains work with the Chaplaincy for Agriculture and Rural Life (CARL), which is a committee of the Church of England Diocese of Worcester and they also work very closely with the Farming Community Network (FCN). The chaplains working here have personal experience of, or connections with farming, and therefore are able to offer an understanding of the particular issues faced by those working in the rural economy.

Upton upon Severn
Under the guidance of Revd Amy Wearing, the priest in charge of Upton-upon-Severn Baptist church since July 2019, the church began a partnership with Faith at Work in Worcestershire (FWW) and a few members of the congregation signed up for the training course, An Introduction to Workplace Chaplaincy led by Revd Dick Johnson. The church has set up an number of initiatives in order to serve their local community, of which workplace chaplaincy is a part.