Prayer in the Economy: July 2021
The further delay in the easing of lockdown regulations came as a disappointment to many, particularly in the hospitality and entertainment sectors. With the furlough scheme now being scaled back there is further pressure on the sustainability of businesses, but also on individual staff as uncertainty about their future continues.
Our prayers therefore focus on those for whom things are yet to improve, especially those working from home or furloughed, and who can feel very isolated and unsettled. There are more reports of continuing isolation having a lasting impact on the mental health of many.
Almighty God, your son Jesus so often drew close to those in hidden need. He saw into the heart of those he met, understanding their needs better than they did themselves. Help us to discern where and how people are in need of your healing, and encourage us to reach out with your care, love and compassion, which we see in your Son. Give to all resilience and patience, and bring light to the darkest corners of their experience.
We continue to pray for grace and wisdom for all those charged with making decisions, here and in other countries and, to all who shape the global economy, insight and understanding to do what is needful to serve the common good. And give courage to those called to be workplace chaplains as they visit, that they may bring your compassion and care to all whom they meet.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.
Especially we pray for:
- Those still furloughed, and worried about their future.
- All suffering anxiety and depression as a result of isolation through working from home.
- Those now looking for new work, having been made redundant.
- Those experiencing mental illness through stress as a result of their employment situation, and for their families and all who care for them.
- For business leaders trying to navigate economic volatility and maintain employment.
- For those having to retrain in order to find work.
- For those on low incomes where the impact of inflation, caused by economic volatility, will be most severely felt.
- Chaplains as they continue to return to visiting workplaces, for the right words as they reconnect.
- Wisdom to know how to reduce inequality and injustice in our global economy and safeguard the environment.