Day by day the headlines, from around the world and in our own country, seem to be about many crises having to be faced. This includes the current key issues in domestic and international politics, the continuing war in Ukraine, and its impact on the economy of households everywhere. We have even recently seen national strikes, and more are threatened as wages fall behind inflation. There seems little collective spirit to meet these challenges, with lack of trust, and ever-increasing divisions apparent with little thought for the common good, or the needs of the particularly vulnerable.

From this starting point our prayers this month focus on reconciliation, the importance of looking out for others – not just ourselves, and the desire for a greater vision for human society, including the economic activity that is so vital for a more equal, just and free society which reflects God’s will for all people.

Merciful God, sometimes you must look upon your people with despair at the crises human beings create through our selfishness, greed, hatred and fear.

Give to us and all people humility to take responsibility for our mistakes,

repentance for the wrong we do one another

and a desire for the forgiveness and reconciliation so much needed in our politics and economy, and by which all human affairs would better reflect Your Kingdom of hope, peace, justice and freedom.

In Jesus you inaugurate this Kingdom,

and through Jesus and in His name we ask for

the wisdom and insight to work for that Kingdom to come,

here on earth as it is in Heaven.


Especially we pray for:

  • All most at risk in the continuing cost of living crisis, especially those having to make difficult choices over how to use limited income.
  • All in debt, with little hope of breaking the cycle of debt.
  • Peace in Ukraine, and between nations caught up in economic conflict.
  • Those who feel their only course of action is to withhold their labour to protect themselves and their families.
  • Children and families as they approach the long summer holidays, and especially those where free school meals have been a lifeline during term time.
  • FWW as we take further steps to develop chaplaincy in new sectors of the economy of Worcestershire, seeking new volunteers, and for our closer work with the Chamber of Commerce as part of our strategy to achieve this.
  • Chaplains:   In our cycle of prayer this month we pray for chaplains in Pershore – Stuart Sandys (Team Leader), Carol Sandys, Christine Dodd, Cathy Jones, Angela Gerrard, John Podd, David Oldham, Alma Organ and Emily Miller – giving thanks for the recent commissioning and re-commissioning that took place on June 26th .
  • Trustees:  This month for those who represent the Methodist Church across Worcestershire, Mary Austin and Peter Levitt.

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