Welcome to the FWW Prayer Guide for June. A PDF copy, for printing, is available here. We hope it will be useful for personal prayer, but also for those who lead intercessions in services. Do pass it on to those in your church who would be interested. Any feedback from use of the Guide would be most welcome. We also use the Guide at our quarterly online prayer meeting. The next meeting will be on July 8th from 1.00 – 1.30 p.m. For the Zoom link for that, and any feedback, please email dickjohnson@faithatwork.org.uk
The theme this month is the General Election. There will be hustings and other events planned in our churches, and many will be serving as Polling Stations on July 4th. The economy and work are important topics for debate and questions to candidates. What will those, who want our vote, pledge to do about such things as tax reform; the funding of public services; apprenticeship schemes and university education; workers rights and pay; international trade; modern slavery in the economy and migrant labour; climate change and its impact on work and economic prosperity at home and around the world?
At well as praying about how these issues are addressed by politicians, we pray for the process of democracy in an increasingly polarised world and society. MPs have, in recent years, been attacked, and even killed. So, we pray too for all standing for election, and all who work to make elections possible.
Almighty God, giver of life, ruler of all things, we pray for our nation as we elect our next government, that your love, peace, mercy and justice – the marks of your Kingdom – would be reflected in the way we use our votes.
We give thanks for those willing to stand for parliament, and pray that debate would be conducted with respect, good grace and commitment to truth and integrity.
We pray for all whose work enables the election to take place in peace and security;
for the vulnerable in our society and economic life who will be most impacted by the outcome;
and for integrity and wisdom for all who are elected, that they may serve the common good in all things.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, Saviour, Sustainer and Comforter.
Especially we pray for:
- Those standing for election, and all who work in electoral services to make the election possible.
- Opportunities in the election campaign to debate issues concerning economy and work, and changes that would make our economy more equal and work more fulfilling.
- Other countries in the world, where elections are being or have been held this year (64 + the EU)[1], and others where free and fair elections do not take place.
- FWW Chaplains as they continue to visit workplaces over the summer.
- Efforts to recruit new chaplains, particularly in the Kidderminster and Redditch town centre teams.
- New trustees for FWW to be recruited after recent retirements.
- People at work in your community (be specific, praying for those you know)
- In our cycle of prayer for the work of FWW, this month we pray for:
- Chaplaincy: In Upton upon Severn, during the summer festival period in the town[2] – Amy Wearing, Sarah Braithwaite and Richard Barley
- Trustees of FWW, and their quarterly meeting on June 13th
And we give thanks for:
- The Spring FWW workplace seminar at Wyre Forest Fire Station on May 22nd
[1] Elections Around the World in 2024 | TIME
[2] 2024 Upton upon Severn Music Festivals (Rock, Pop, Folk, Jazz and Blues) – Visit The Malverns