Our prayers this month must begin with the events in Ukraine, for peace and for all whose lives have been shattered in ways we can hardly grasp. The impact of the invasion has been felt in all sorts of ways around the globe – not least in the global economy. We are reminded of how interconnected our international economy is, and how we so easily take for granted the flow of trade, money, goods and labour.

At the same time we pray for the continuing work of chaplaincy in local workplaces across Worcestershire, for the FWW Lent Appeal which begins this month, and the ‘Re-engaging with the Economy’ event on April 27th when we launch the Supporters of Faith at Work in Worcestershire (SFWW).

We also give thanks for the small group of those attending (mostly online) the Introduction to Workplace Chaplaincy training course, due to conclude on March 24th, and for discernment for each person taking part as they consider their next steps, perhaps into chaplaincy.

Heavenly Father, our hearts go out to those most directly impacted by war in Ukraine; those who have died, the wounded, refugees, and all who have lost so much.

We pray for peace between nations;

peace for those frightened and in despair;

and a spirit of wisdom and compassion for all who have power over others.

Pour out your Spirit to inspire justice and peace in the global economy,

that the way we treat each other may reflect your love and compassion, your mercy and your grace, which we see in Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.


Especially we pray for:

  • Peace in Ukraine and relief for all affected by the conflict.
  • Those most impacted by current volatility in the global economy, especially the poorest and most vulnerable, and those who struggle to make ends meet as inflation rises.
  • For migrant workers in our economy, and all anxious about their homes and families.
  • For refugees and all who have had to leave homes and their jobs.
  • Local businesses in Worcestershire, responding to the ending of restrictions, but facing rising costs and greater obstacles to international trade.  
  • For the FWW Lent Appeal and the Launch of Supporters of FWW.
  • For those taking part in the Introduction to Workplace Chaplaincy training course as they discern their next steps once the course finishes.
  • More people to volunteer to train as workplace chaplains and new opportunities for chaplaincy in places and sectors of the economy where there are no FWW chaplains as yet.
  • For trustees and staff planning for the year ahead in promoting chaplaincy and tackling the challenges of developing the work of FWW.  (Trustees’ meeting on March 10th)

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