As we enter a time of greater regulation and restriction so we search for ways to express to God our fears and yearnings, and our concerns for those most in need. At such moments we need to return to Christ, who taught his disciples to pray, to guide our prayers to ask for what God dearly wants to give; and faith to trust and hold on to the hope that is before us in the crucified and risen Jesus.
Jesus was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray . . . . (Luke 11 v 1a)
‘The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly’. John 10 v 10
Jesus, Lord and teacher, we need you to guide our prayers. Give us courage and faith to ask for what you want to give; life in abundance for all your people – your life. And so we pray;
- Give to those who are anxious in the face of economic uncertainty and redundancy, your peace and provision;
- Give to all who feel isolated, uncared for and alone in life and work, knowledge of your presence with them through the care of friend or colleague;
- Give to those who despair, your light in the darkness of their experience and the hope that light kindles.
And to your church, a renewed call to serve and love, in your name.
- Those for whom lockdown will mean a greater likelihood of redundancy
- Those working to heal and care, in the NHS, Care sector and social services
- Emergency services – police, fire and ambulance – for safety in their work and ways to manage with fewer staff as COVID infections rise
- For workers in essential retail businesses – online, in shops, production, distribution and delivery – helping meet basic needs
- For all working in education
- For chaplains, trying to continue chaplaincy at a distance
- For the sick, the dying and their families and loved ones.