Click on above to download a PDF of the Newsletter
Newsletter – Getting back to support our workplaces
click on above for PDF of Newsletter Resuming chaplaincy plan can be found here. Link to Reflection, in Good Times & Bad
In Good Times and Bad – a reflection
When all that we have come to rely on, including ourselves, proves fragile; where do we turn for reassurance?
Newsletter – Does workplace chaplaincy make a difference? – Survey results
Full survey information can be found here.
Business Support is available – links here…,-funding-finance/covid-19-help-for-businesses-and-self-employed.aspx,-funding,-finance/covid-19-help-for-business-and-self-employed.aspx
The economy of separation
When eventually we look back on 2020, ‘Self-isolation’ will undoubtedly be one of the words of the year, along with lockdown, social distancing and many others which have become the language of our present experience. We separate from one another, to safeguard ourselves, the NHS and the most vulnerable. But business, work and the economy … Continue reading The economy of separation
Operation keeping in touch…
During this time of crisis, it is vital that our workplaces are aware that we are thinking of them, we are praying for them, and that we are there for them. Our chaplains are available by email or by phone, since we are no longer able to make personal visits. A postcard giving this information, … Continue reading Operation keeping in touch…
Annual Review of 2019
Faith at Work in Worcestershire (FWW) began the year with three key aims: to continue to support the mission of the church in the economy of the county through workplace chaplaincy; to help people better connect their faith and their work; and to encourage debate on the changing nature of work and the economy, offering … Continue reading Annual Review of 2019
Healing in a fragile world
Current concerns over the COVID-19 virus are bringing great anxiety to many - fear of catching or passing it on, and what that might mean to vulnerable people, but also fear of the normal being disrupted, including work, business and the economy. Despite measures announced in the Budget, uncertainty mounts, and we see how interconnected … Continue reading Healing in a fragile world
Labour Exploitation & Modern Day Slavery
On the 8th February 2020, FWW sponsored a training morning run by the Vulnerability and Exploitation Team of West Mercia Police. The event was well attended with people coming from various churches, the Mothers' Union, the Soroptimists and others interested in this important topic. The morning covered a wide range of connected subjects which can … Continue reading Labour Exploitation & Modern Day Slavery