Welcome to the FWW Prayer Guide for October. We hope it will be useful for personal prayer, but also for those who lead intercessions in services. Do pass it on to those in your church who would be interested.  Any feedback from use of the Guide would be most welcome. We also use the Guide as the basis for our quarterly online prayer meeting. The next meeting will be on October 8th from 1.00 – 1.30 p.m. For the Zoom link for that, and any feedback, please email dickjohnson@faithatwork.org.uk

October is the season of Harvest Thanksgiving. In our prayers this month we focus on those working in the agricultural sector, and our chaplains at Worcester livestock market. We also consider the wider ‘harvest’ that results from the work people do in other sectors of the economy. Just as God’s provision and love is seen in the production of food our farmers and market gardeners grow, so all human endeavour, creativity and production is inspired and rooted in God’s grace and gift.  What is the ‘harvest’ of a bus driver, for example? Or someone who works for a care agency, visiting and helping people in their homes? Or those who work to imagine, design and produce amazing technology that helps meet the challenge of climate change?

During this month think about that more hidden harvest in the work of the people you know, and those working in your community, give thanks in prayer for God’s provision in so many ways, and pray for God’s grace to be acknowledged in the work people do.

Almighty God, creator of all that is, and source of all life,
we praise you for your abundant provision for all, in the harvest of all things.
Help us to see your presence and purpose in the skill, service, and dedication of those who work for what we need to sustain life, build abundant life-giving communities and care for one another and the earth.
Forgive us when we use what you provide, and your gifts of creativity and imagination, to deepen division and inequality, damage and destroy the environment and one another, or fail to share the fruits of your love.
As we give thanks to you for all that you give us, inspire us to offer you our service, love and worship, through him who is your greatest gift, Jesus Christ your Son, our Lord.

Especially we pray for:
All working to grow and bring to market the food we all need, for safety, and an understanding in their part in your provision for all people.

  • All working to grow and bring to market the food we all need, for safety, and an understanding in their part in your provision for all people.
  • Those in agriculture struggling to continue in the face of challenges including problems with the revised farm payments system post-brexit; the increasing generation gap as a younger generation opt not to follow their parents into farming; and the isolation of working in the sector.
  • For the harvest of all work and workers (be specific giving thanks for those you know, your neighbours, the work they do, and the harvest that is reaped as a result).
  • For Church Harvest celebrations (including the County Harvest Service in Worcester Cathedral on Oct 6th at 6.30 p.m.) that all who attend may widen their understanding of God’s loving provision.
  • For Faith at Work in Worcestershire events this month
    • the Discover Chaplaincy event on October 24th in Redditch, that God would inspire people to attend, and call new chaplains and supporters of workplace chaplaincy and FWW.

    • the autumn’s planned workplace visit study event, as details are finalised.
  • In our cycle of prayer for the work of FWW, this month we pray for:
  • our trustees, giving thanks for their part in the ministry of FWW
    • chaplains to the Worcester Livestock Market, Brenda Williams, Tim Richards and Sue Adeney
  • all FWW chaplains and the harvest that comes through their ministry of chaplaincy.

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