Twenty-six (26) people attended the Spring Seminar on the morning of June 8th at Pershore Baptist Church. We are very grateful for their hosting the event. We were very pleased that 14 chaplains joined us from workplace chaplaincy teams in Alvechurch, Kidderminster, Pershore and Redditch, as well as FWW supporters and trustees.
In the first half of the morning, we focussed on our current chaplaincy, viewing a short video produced for the event, with contributions from several FWW chaplains speaking about their work.
It was wonderful that chaplains were able to encourage each other and to see them being enthused by the role they have been commissioned to undertake.
At the meeting chaplains spoke about their chaplaincy, and what locally they are doing. It was useful to give those present through the morning and over lunch, the chance to meet each other, share successes and challenges of their chaplaincy and learn from one another.
After a coffee break, we concentrated on the new Development Plan, ‘Meeting the Challenge’, with a presentation on the plan, to become a volunteer-led organisation by January 2026, and discussion. This was an opportunity to hear the views of chaplains and supporters.