Article by Malcolm Wilkes, Workplace Chaplain in the Redditch Town Centre Team

Why I feel called to be a Chaplain?
I was not so much called but coaxed by Dick, Faith at Work in Worcestershire, Development Officer. He drew my attention to his training flyer on the table near the church door and it developed from there.
Workplace Chaplaincy in Redditch Town Centre has been established over the last 10 years. It has the blessing of the Town Centre Management, but this does not provide a right of entry into the individual retail outlets. Acceptance has to be negotiated and tends to be ongoing as shops change hands and staff come and go.
Why do I do it?
It provides an opportunity to represent Jesus and my church by going out and meeting people at their place of work.
What I find most rewarding?
That I am acting on my own as a disciple. This form of ministry causes me to examine my faith frequently and to constantly refine my views of this world from the Christian perspective.
If you are interested in becoming a workplace chaplain please contact us to find out more.